La Raffine

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Meet Alphose, our resident pheasant

A few years back we were greet in the Spring to the screeching sounds of a male pheasant. Apparently he was seeking to attract hens to his domaine newly set-up on La Raffine. His screeching and strutting about every morning and evening quickly became a source of amusement and we sought to learn as much as we could about our new neighbour.

Some interesting facts: pheasants spend almost their entire life on the ground and they do not migrate in winter; the males and females don’t look at all like one another (the female is beige and has a much shorter tail); pheasants have great eyesight and learning and are said to be very intelligent; they eat a wide variety of foods including, insects, seeds, and leaves. roosters typically have a harem of several females during spring mating season.

Years later, Alphonse thinks he owns the place and in truth in some years he was more often on the property than we were. In some cultures, the pheasant is considered a symbol of good fortune, abundance, and prosperity, as well as a representation of beauty, elegance, and grace so we take it as a compliment that he has decided to make his residence here.