La Raffine

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Les fèves: enjoying fresh fèves as the season draws to a close

This year I really discovered feves at the suggestion of some lovely guests from California. I bought the large pods at the market, not sure why I didn’t notice them before. The Provençaux eat them raw (especially early in the season when they are small and tender). I prefer them boiled quickly in hot water and then peeled to add to pasta or a salad. The delicate flavour is enhanced and I love the texture.

I also love this Barbouillade of beans and artichoke hearts: Feves a la Paysanne

A recipe interpreted from my new bible: La Cuisinère Provençal, a 19th century cookbook by J.B. Reboul

In the casserole, brown the onions in olive oil. Add the smoked bacon, a small lettuce chopped finely, mix. Add the beans, the savory, the chicken broth, sliced artichoke hearts, one cube of sugar sugar, pepper lightly.

Cover with a couple of tablespoons of water and let simmer for 5 minutes. Open the casserole. Cook uncovered for 3 minutes for excess cooking water to evaporate if needed.

The marriage of two flavors blends perfectly.