La Raffine

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The definitive salade niçoise

The Definitive Salade Nicoise is under debate

So many choices when preparing a salad nicoise: mesclun or gem lettuce?; scallions or thinly sliced raw onion?; olives Niçoise or olives Provençales?; tomatoes cérises or quartered vine tomatoes?; anchovies (fresh?, in oil or salted?)

While it is well loved throughout the world, no one seems to be able to agree on the definitive Salade Niçoise. The ex-mayor of Nice, Jacques Médicin, opened the debate years ago by questioning some ingredients I had thought were fundamental:

Tuna: Fresh tuna or tinned? The mayor says either tuna or anchovies (he prefers anchovies!)

Beans: Green beans or Broad beans. The mayor prefers les fèves

Potatoes: The Mayor insists they do not belong, even the very small waxy new potatoes

Cucumber or Artichokes: yes or no? the mayor likes both

Over the years, my husband and I have devised our favorite recipe so here is la salade Niçoise à la façon de La Raffine. Serves 2. Enjoy and feel free to make up whatever innovations you would like.

2 eggs, Mesclun, Green Beans, Cherry tomatoes (sliced in half). 2 scallions (finely chopped), Black Olives, 8 anchovies, cut into slivers, 6 tiny new potatoes

For the dressing:
Pinch of coarse salt
2 anchovies, finely chopped
Lemon juice
Extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper