La Raffine

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Wild blackberries!

Wild blackberry bushes can be found on many country roads in the region. We have a hedge the full length of the property and each year I enjoying picking my daily ration in August. I need to be selective and choose only berries that are large, plump, deeply colored, as blackberries don’t ripen after they’re picked. The most perfect slip easily off the stem. If you have to tug, it isn’t ripe.

Wild blackberries are smaller and less sweet than the commercially cultivated varieties, and I prefer the tarter taste. Rich in minerals and fibre and basically low calorie compared to other fruits, they are most often enjoyed raw and are delicious added to a fruit salad. . In the 15th century they were served as an hors d’oeuvre with sugar for dipping.

As the season draws to a close you may want to consider different recipes. Making jam is tricky given the relatively low sugar content but a blackberry crumble is easy and delicious.

For 6 people, you need 600g of blackberries, 150g of flour, 70g of icing sugar, 30g of caster sugar, 100g of shortbread biscuits, 100g of butter in small pieces, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. . Put the blackberries in a buttered dish. Combine flour, icing sugar, biscuits, butter, and cinnamon. Blend to a crumbly texture, then cover the blackberries. Put in the oven for 30 minutes at medium temperature. An explosion of pleasure!