Muscat du Ventoux, Raisin de table

The Vaucluse is the top producer of table grapes in France and the Muscat du Ventoux are the most popular black table grape. Table grapes have less acidity and thinner skin than grapes cultivated for wine and the Muscat du Ventoux are particularly sweet and juicy: the perfect before-bed snack in a small bowl of yogurt. Grapes are the only fruit containing melatonin so you are boosting your sleep cycle too.

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The definitive salade niçoise

So many choices when preparing a salad nicoise: mesclun or gem lettuce?; scallions or thinly sliced raw onion?; olives Niçoise or olives Provençales?; tomatoes cérises or quartered vine tomatoes?; anchovies (fresh?, in oil or salted?)

While it is well loved throughout the world, no one seems to be able to agree on the definitive salade Niçoise. This is how we prepare it at La Raffine.

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