discovering the delight of Green Almonds in May
Green almonds
Discover a new delicacy.
Enjoying almonds from the tree in May
I recently discovered the joy of green almonds; a delicacy loved in the south, and growing in appeal. They start to be found in markets and speciality stores and May is the season to enjoy them in the Luberon.
We have several almond trees on the property, which I love to see blossom in February, as the first sign of Spring. Until recently I was unaware that I did not wait until the autumn, when the shell has hardened and the nuts are fully formed to enjoy their fruit.
Green almonds are essentially just ‘unripe’ almonds. In the late Spring they fall easily into your hands. You can consume the whole fruit, as one would a peach or you can cut it open and dip the deliciously delicate soft centre (which will become the almond) in sea salt or sugar as a healthy snack with a lovely subtle flavour.
Best eaten fresh from the tree, they can be kept at cool room temperature for a few days after harvest or left on the tree until the soft fuzzy green outer fruit darkens and hardens and the almond is fully formed. and harvest the nuts in the autumn.